VIDiff: Translating Videos via Multi-Modal Instructions with Diff usion Models

Zhen Xing1, Qi Dai2, Zihao Zhang1, Hui Zhang2, Han Hu2, Zuxuan Wu1, Yu-Gang Jiang1
1 Fudan University, 2MicroSoft Research Asia

Long Video Translation

Input Ours w/o LVT
Recolor the gray video.
Turn the video to Van Gogh Style.

Video Instruct Diffusion

Turn the video to Sketch Style.
Transform the video to Animate/ Oil Painting Style.
Turn the video to WaterColor/ 3D Style.
Edit the video to reflect the style of the target image.
Apply Green to the pixels of the man holding the bike while maintaining the current state of other pixels.
Introduce a range of colors to the gray video.
Remove the applied haze from this video.
Apply inpainting algorithms to recover the missing video.
Withdraw the applied haze from this video.
Mark the pixels of the girl riding the horse in Red and leave the rest unchanged.
For the the horse doing high jumps, set its pixels to Green and let the others remain the same
Improve the quality of this fuzzy video.
Convert the grayscale clip into a colorful masterpiece.